Tuesday, April 15: day one of three for Ahimsa

Woke up this morning with an overwhelming sense of sadness.  Stayed in bed and did my pranayama to try to calm and soothe myself before starting the day.

Need to figure out how I’m going to fit in yoga on dance nights.  Might just do some Chandra namaskars once all the students leave, before I go home.


Pranayama:  Practiced in bed before staring my day.

Yoga:  Other than what I do for my dance class, none.

Ahimsa:  Taking care of myself.  Tuesdays are long works days due to day job and dance, plus I had to mail in the tax extension today so I was up late last night, so I decided the best non-harm I could do was to be gentle to myself and not force a yoga practice today.

Ahimsa: non-harming

Observe— Honor— Activate

In the absence of harming there is peace. In what ways do we harm ourselves or others? Through what thoughts, actions and speech do we violate ahimsa? In what environments are you more likely to violate the principle of non-harming. How much time to you spend in these environments and how can you neutralize the experience with Ahimsa? Is there a touchstone, mantra or awareness that you can engage to support ahimsa feelings actions and speech? Over the next three days, without judgment, please observe, then honor and then activate the essence of ahimsa.

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