Saturday, April 19: day two of three for Satya

Pranayama:  None.

Yoga:  None.

Satya:  Writing this on Sunday instead of Saturday. More costuming with the troupe then I got ill and needed to lie down.  Not a lot accomplished on this day other than costuming.  Truth be told, the two weeks prior to a big performance are so stressful and busy I’m not surprised I am falling really behind on this LYS.  I’m not going to get myself worked up about it though:  It is what it is.

Satya: Truth.

It seems so simple, yet it can sometimes be quite complicated. Be True to yourSelf. May we have the strength to disregard the temptation to take any path but the Truth. Dishonesty, even if it seems easier in the moment, is toxic and inevitably painful to all.

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