The end, and a beginning

Yesterday we finally buried Sam and Baby in the yard. The day they died was just a really long one for me where I didn’t get home until after 10pm and in the last week or so our schedules didn’t really mesh to be able to bury them until then, so it took us a little more than a week before we had the chance to do the sad task. They are together forever now.

Yesterday was also the same day that Casper and Julio stayed together all day in the playpen. Since being introduced to each other five days ago they have liked each other pretty well and have been playing like rough young boys which I took as a good sign. However, ferrets do play quite rough and the boys play really rough which means usually one of them (Casper) ends up being dragged by the nape of the neck by the other (Julio), common for ferret play, but since they are still new to each other there were a few episodes of screams and hissing about the rough play in those five days prior. Yesterday there were a couple of short outbursts and complaints, but since we were home with them we quickly broke them up and they went back to just roughhousing in a more playful way. Very happy to have new fuzzies in my life; they really do add light to my daily routine.

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