Never a good day to do the accounting

Every time I do accounting for the studio it just makes me sad. I’m starting to think that we will be closing for sure come May 2013. I’m not going to stop trying, but even with my very low goal of what I should bring home from the studio, I’m not making it and we are slowly descending further and further into debt. At this point in my life, given my skills, education and experience I should not be living paycheck to paycheck, much less day to day, which is how we are living currently. The financial stress I have incurred in trying to build this business is starting to really wear on my and I am starting to resent the fact that I can’t afford to bring my daughter up for a holiday visit, nor have we had an actual vacation in more than four years.

Six months from now it will change. In six months I’m either planning on emptying the studio and finding a regular full-time job again or I’m making at the least the low goal for myself with trending that shows it will improve. Either way, it will be different six month from now.

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